I think it may have been lockdown that raised my awareness of the seasons and the benefit of dialling in, leaning in to their rhythms and differing gifts. I've popped in my diary the dates of the seasonal changes, embracing each season in turn because actually here in the West, with accessibility to produce like never before - I think it's easy for us to ignore the gift of living seasonally. Winter can be a tough one - with darker nights and the requirement for us to keep going like it's still summer. One of my little side thoughts is around how workplaces might dial into living seasonally too - of allowing a little extra grace in winter time, even just a few extra minutes for a warming brew or a shortened day along with the daylight hours.
Our bodies are hungering for less in more in winter - with a draw towards hibernation, increasing our desire to sleep and eat foods that bring warmth to our core. I wonder what it looks like for us - here in the northern hemisphere to enter in? To choose the early night. To think about how to nourish our bodies with the seasonal goodness - paring back, embracing slow and simple.
I often read suggestions or wonder on questions as above and there's an inner voice that says 'but you don't understand - I've bills to pay - I have got to keep going, I can't slow down!'...and it's a voice that challenges and reminds me to consider the long game. To consider my choices. To embrace simpler living - decreased stress and expectation - a letting go.
This winter, as I choose to rest like a hibernating bear in and around the requirements of work and family and all - I'm really excited to continue with rhythms of simple gatherings that bring life, sustain and remind me that I'm not in this alone. Of hibernating together. Of wondering how to winter well.
PS: There's a lovely book called 'Wintering' by Katherine May that I really recommend!